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Secure Your Life:  Prepare – Respond – Survive™  

3 Types of Products To Enhance Employee Safety in Workplace

Employee Safety

We live in a world where threats to employee safety in the workplace are not only a reality, but a common occurrence. From natural disasters to violent attacks, workplaces face many risks that could undermine employee safety. While tragedy is never a thing people enjoy thinking about, it is necessary to consider possible safety disturbances that may occur and prepare for them accordingly. After all, a business leader’s first priority should be maintaining and preserving the lives of their employees, who invest themselves in daily business operations and ultimately, the business’s success.

For business leaders to adequately ensure protect their employees in the event of an emergency, they should have the appropriate life safety products and equipment on hand at the workplace. Here are three types of kits to consider purchasing for the office:

  1. MobileAid Trauma First Aid Kit

In an emergency situation, it’s imperative to have an exceptional trauma first aid kit that offers mobility, functionality, and organization. A comprehensive mobile trauma first aid kit can help emergency initial responders manage and control trauma sustained during a disaster. It can also help preserve human life for a while, which is especially important in cases where employees are trapped in a building and further medical attention cannot be given right away.

  1. Bleedstop Bleeding Control Kit / Gunshot Wound Kit

In the event of a violent crime, terrorist attack, disaster, or accident in the workplace, initial responders with a bleeding control kit and/or gunshot wound kit are in the best position to preserve human life. Gunshot wounds can actually cause victims to bleed out in less than five minutes if left unattended to, so these kits can mean the difference between life and death. Use them to either stop or lessen the bleeding until additional medical care can be provided by first responders. A bleeding control kit will contain all the necessary supplies to deal with and control multiple major bleeding wounds.

  1. MobileAid Incident Management Kit

Investing in a MobileAid Incident Management Kit means investing in employee safety and health after an incident that causes chaos. They are designed to help safety leaders and staff take charge during and after an emergency in order to maintain calm and order. Mitigating panic and exhibiting a well-organized response is one way leaders can prevent employee safety risks, since injuries are sometimes caused by a panicked response to an emergency, rather than the emergency itself. An incident management kit can help with emergency response procedures such as search and rescue, and first aid.

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David Scott
David Scott
David co-founded LifeSecure in 2005, just a few months before Hurricane Katrina taught everyone that one can go hungry and thirsty in America and even die before help arrives. For over a decade David has focused on developing and discovering superior emergency and disaster survival solutions - kits and supplies. He has trained community groups in emergency preparedness, helped non-profit organizations prepare emergency kits for needy individuals, conducted community emergency response exercises, and developed emergency plans for non-profit organizations. David makes an ongoing study of how best to prepare for and respond to various natural and man-made disasters, and his mission has been to help others “live Life SECURE” every day by preparing for what may come someday.