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Secure Your Life:  Prepare – Respond – Survive™  

7.1 Earthquake Hits Mexico on Anniversary of Devastating 1985 Quake

Mexico City Earthquake

September 19, 2017: On the anniversary of the 1985 earthquake that hit Mexico City and killed more than 10,000 people, another powerful quake struck the capital city.  The epicenter was located in Puebla, within 76 miles of Mexico City. How ironic and sad!

It is reported that over 200 people have been killed in the 7.1 magnitude quake.  Images coming from Mexico City make it clear that the damage is extensive.  Many buildings have toppled.

Among the many hazards after an earthquake, are gas leaks that can cause explosions like this one in Mexico City.

This is just the latest in a string of reminders, that include hurricanes Harvey and Irma, that we all need to be prepared to respond to natural disasters no matter where we live.  If you live in areas prone to earthquakes, you need an earthquake emergency kit.

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David Scott
David co-founded LifeSecure in 2005, just a few months before Hurricane Katrina taught everyone that one can go hungry and thirsty in America and even die before help arrives. For over a decade David has focused on developing and discovering superior emergency and disaster survival solutions - kits and supplies. He has trained community groups in emergency preparedness, helped non-profit organizations prepare emergency kits for needy individuals, conducted community emergency response exercises, and developed emergency plans for non-profit organizations. David makes an ongoing study of how best to prepare for and respond to various natural and man-made disasters, and his mission has been to help others “live Life SECURE” every day by preparing for what may come someday.