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Preparedness Kit

Coming up with a emergency preparedness kit is not such a hard task. Government resources have done an incredible job in coming up with a comprehensive list of how to build your own kit. In essence, there are certain basic recommendations which you have to bear in mind when building your own kit.

Emergency kits are known to save lives in situations where individuals are well prepared when disasters strike. The question is, what exactly should be included in this kit? You can include anything you consider necessary for your survival when disaster strikes but make sure the following things are not missing from your emergency preparedness kit.

The most important thing to include in the kit is water. It is recommended that the water supply should be sufficient to last 72 hours. This is ideally one gallon per person per day. If the climate is really hot then you may want to double up the amount. It is also important to include more water if you have children or you are nursing.

Additionally, every preparedness kit must have enough food supplies to last three days. This will include non perishables and food which is easily packed. It should be well balanced so make sure you include some protein as well as fruits and vegetables properly packed in pest proof containers. MRE’s are an excellent options because they are compact, full of nutrition and calories that are essential to your survival.

Your preparedness kit should also include a flashlight and extra batteries. A flashlight will serve as both a light source and a signal for help. Make sure you have first aid supplies as well. This will include bandages, anti-inflammatory medicine, antibiotic ointment, rubbing alcohol and rubber gloves for handling wounds to keep them clean, among other things.

The other important contents of an emergency preparedness kit are sanitation and hygiene supplies. Hand sanitizer is important to keep your hands clean to prevent sickness. Paper towels and garbage bags can also come in handy to keep your immediate environment sanitary.

It is also important to have some cash in your preparedness kit. Have at least $100 in the kit to be used if you are not able to access money during that period. You should also carry a portable radio and batteries. It is ideal to have a radio that is both solar and battery charged. This will keep you informed of the situation surrounding you and other emergency updates.