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Be Secure.  Be a Responder.  Be a Survivor.™  

About MobileAid

READY TO ROLL, Anywhere!™

At MobileAid we are committed to helping you, as a professional or lay first responder, be “READY TO ROLL, Anywhere”, without delay, in any emergency or disaster.  We do this by custom designing our MobileAid High-Visibility emergency response kits, bags, and backpacks to deliver superior mobility, functionality, organization, safety, and design.  

Confidence in an emergency comes from training, experience, teamwork, and having exceptional emergency response gear.  At MobileAid we focus our years of training, experience, and teamwork on developing and manufacturing the exceptional emergency response gear you need when you respond to an emergency or disaster.

We design and build each MobileAid High-Visibility product for you as if we, ourselves, were responding along side you.  This is why you can be sure that with MobileAid, you’ll be “READY TO ROLL, Anywhere!”

K. David Scott
Founder, President, and Head of the MobileAid Design Team